If you have ever been involved in any type of network marketing business in which your business grows not merely from selling the company’s products, but also from encouraging others to build businesses too, then you will be familiar with some version of the age-old networking motto:
“Everyone is your prospect” or “Everyone wants this; they just don’t know it yet!”
Along with this belief comes the teaching of such practices as the “3-foot-rule”, the “when in doubt, blurt it out” technique, and the “No doesn’t really mean no, it just means not right now” mantra.
Because this lie persists, and has continued to be handed down from upline to downline, new business members have the mistaken belief that approaching everyone who comes within an arms length reach is an effective recruiting technique. Friends, neighbours, grocery store clerks, teachers, gas station attendants, strangers in line at the local fast food joint, people sitting in the park – you must talk to them all because for heaven sake, EVERYONE is your prospect!
These gorilla warfare, “street hustler” methods of recruiting are out-dated and ineffective but are still widely clung to in an industry that has yet to embrace the evolutionary changes that have occurred since the advent of the original direct or network marketing models.
Unfortunately, archaic antics such as these are among the top reasons that many people shiver at the idea of any form of Multi-Level, Network, or Direct Marketing and look upon it with disdain. The reputation of the industry has been damaged almost beyond repair - any image of professionalism destroyed – making it harder for everyone to sponsor people.
It does not matter how qualified you think a person is, or how good you think they would be at your business or that someone has super people skills. It makes no difference whether you know someone hates their 9-5 job, or could really use the residual income.
The fact of the matter is that not everyone is looking to run their own business. Some people are perfectly happy with things the way they are. Some people actually like their jobs. Some people despise network marketing. Some people don’t know anything about it, and just don’t care. Some people don’t have the funds to put into running a business. Some people don’t have time. Some people aren’t cut out to be entrepreneurs. Some people have no desire for change.
One of the most important things you can learn, and quickly, is that we are not evangelists sent to spread the great word of the way. We are not here to cajole, sway, and convince people to get into this business. To do so may feel productive, but it is in fact a complete waste of your time and effort.
“Why?” you ask. “How do I know someone is not interested until I ask them?” Because, I say again, everyone is NOT your prospect!
Think about this for a minute. If everyone is a prospect that means that you are constantly “on the hunt”. Everywhere you go, everyone you meet, you are just waiting for that “in” moment so you can squeeze your schpeal in. What does this say to others about the way you do business? About it’s level of professionalism? About what they would have to do to if they joined the business too? Because you have just demonstrated exactly how you do it, right? By soliciting total strangers – or putting friends or family on the spot. It immediately projects a cheap, mickey-mouse image. It makes you into a nuisance. It turns you into that person that you smile and nod and absently murmur “mmm-hmm” too, while frantically trying to find any excuse to get away from as soon as possible.
So if everyone is not a prospect, then who IS?
The single most important lesson I have learned in my direct marketing business is that no one, and I mean NO ONE, is worth your time until they have shown an interest in what you have to offer and have asked you for more information about it.
It is not a good use of your time and energy to try to convince someone who disagrees with your way of thinking. And why expend valuable time & effort trying to force your opportunity upon someone who is entirely indifferent?
There are thousands of people out there who actually DO want to start their own business. The ones who warrant your attention are the ones who take initiative and go out of their way to try to find a way to do it. These are the people who are on the same wave-length as you. These are the people who need to hear what you have to share – who are ready to learn what you have experience in – who will seek you out and be receptive to your opportunity. These people ARE your prospects!
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